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Picture of Jeff Blankenship, Principal
Jeff Blankenship, Principal

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Welcome to the East Cooper CAS

The East Cooper Center for Advanced Studies (ECCAS) provides access to high school students from both Lucy Beckham and Wando High Schools.  Our school is organized so students may explore future opportunities through 22 different Majors grouped into 17 Programs under 4 Academies.  Over 1800 students will attend class in the ECCAS each year with the focus of becoming college and career ready.  Recognized as a Project Lead the Way (PLTW) Distinguished School, the ECCAS is the only school in the nation to offer all 17 PLTW courses in the areas of Biomedical Science, Computer Science, and Engineering.  With access to nearly 100 different industry certification exams, students may graduate as licensed Automotive Technicians, Certified Nursing Assistants, Cosmetologists, or Real Estate Agents.  Please consider joining the East Cooper CAS SIC or as a business and community partner and follow us on social media @EastCooperCAS #Lightingtheway!

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